Feet, who need them if you've wings to fly?- F. Kahlo
Women of Strenght- Frida Kahlo

Frida Kahlo was born in Coyoacàn 6 July 1907 from a wealthy mexican family. Her life was troubled since childhood when she was affected by spina bifida that parents and doctors mistaked for poliomyelitis (a disease suffered even by her younger sister). From her Youth showed a strong personality mixed with an artistic talent and a passionate and unconventional spirit.

She attended the Colegio Alemàn a german school and later attending the Escuela National Preparatoria with the purpose to become a doctor but started even to interest in politic and art, falling in love with Alejandro Gómez Arias a student of law and journalist.
On 17 September 1925 at the age 18 an horrible event changed completely her life while she was taking the bus with his fiancee, a tram hit the bus in which frida was on, causing her lot of injurys and she needed 32 surgical operations for save her life. When she came out from hospital she was forced to stay into bed wearing an ortophedic bust, reading books about politics, closing her in a deep solitude that can only fight with painting:

From this period one of her first self portraits and she make even more, so her parents decided to install a mirror above her bed with the purpose to help her to paint herself better.
When she removes the bust she dediced to bring her paints to Diego Rivera, a famous artist for receive a critic. The artist fall in love with the art of Frida, taking her under his guide and soon married her too in 1929. The wedding years were so troubled, both Frida and Diego cheated each other and Frida also discover the pleasure of have relationship both with men and women, but despite of all they ever back together even after the divorce.

During her last years she become even more a politic activist and started to paint more traditional subject on their paints inspired to the Tehuantepec women which ones had a reputation of a matriarchal society where woman control the business and laugh about men. She dies in 1954 at the age of 47, lefting to us the amazing artwork she made and her diary where she was used to wrote about her life and all adventures she lived.