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Women To Admire-RLCs Transgender Community

Positive steps have been taken in RL towards less discrimination and more acceptance shown towards the Transgender community. Albeit the progress is painfully slow but it does seem to be taking place. Volumes have been written on the subject and rightfully so. As we all know,historically it has been a lack of facts and knowledge that has fed discrimination and mistreatment of others. This being said,I want to take a moment and show my respect to the TG community of RLC. These women are a picture of conviction. It's no secret nor a great reveal to anyone reading this that TGs are forced to accept limited abilities in order to stay true to themselves and their nature.The vast majority of TG players in RLC that I know personally have told me that they never even considered being anything other than TG,regardless of the limitations.Here is strength to be admired and respected in my view. Conviction to be inspired by and looked up to. I can't personally leave things at acceptance, but find true love for RLCs brightest gems. TG friends always tell me that they very rarely see any type of discrimination or mistreatment from RLCs members.A tribute to the big hearts of RLCs population to turn their back on unfairness! Another example of how the rest of the world should follow the lead of RLCs wonderful people. I know that it's easy to overlook ,but take a moment to see the beautiful self assurance shown by your Transgender friends and lovers in RLC. Show them the love and acceptance they so richly deserve. For some, RLC is the only place they find it, which is tragic and foolish, but another wonderful effect this crazy place can deliver to counter RLs bigotry and ignorance. Here's to you RLCs TransGender community,the biggest hugs and sweetest kisses for all of you !!

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