AMAZONS The Real Warrior Women of the Ancient World

Since the time of the ancient Greeks we have been fascinated by accounts of the Amazons, an elusive tribe of hard-fighting, horse-riding female warriors. Equal to men in battle, legends claimed.
For centuries people believed in their existence and attempted to trace their origins while artists and poets celebrated their battles.
In the absence of evidence, we eventually reasoned away their existence, concluding that these powerful, sexually liberated female warriors must have been an invention of Greek myth and storytelling. Untill now.
Following decades of new research and a series of groundbreaking archaelogical discoveries, we know these formidable warrior queens did indeed exist.
Following deep research, author John Man presents this 2017 book doing for the reader the most difficult of tasks: he conjures up an ancient people in an alien landscape in such a way as to make them live. His ability to put us in the picture, to feel, smell and almost touch the surroundings he describes, is matched by his ability to tell a good story of the History.