Are lesbians and gays divergent ?

Why most people see lesbian, gay as a divergent person?
I’m known by my sisterhood, as babysonia and I am straight. I join a group of amazing women. They are lesbian, bisexuals or transgender, but they are really amazing, in so many levels. I could tell you about how they open their arms to receive me, how they accepted me without fears or any kind of discrimination or how they respected all my boundaries. You maybe wouldn’t t believe me. But it’s true. They are more respectful than some straight families. They never force me to do something I didn’t t want to, or push me to pick a side, they accepted me as I am. Never I felt being a piece of meat, I never felt any kind of pressure, they never asked me to become a lesbian, they never in any circumstances criticizes my sexual orientation. Did we (straight) say the same????
So, a question came to my mind “why we (straight people) see them as different persons?”, I asked some of my virtual and reals friends too.
Some of them answered me that it’s against nature, that is not how the world should be, some were very less civilizes talking about them as monsters; “disgusting “they call them. Others don t mind, they never thought about that
And very few like me, admire them. See them as incredible persons who still fight to be integrate in our society, even in the 21st Century, they fight for basic rights, the right to exist, just the right to be free of living. Why human fears, hate and reject all he can’t understand? They just want to live a life like you and me, to be accepted for who they are like everyone, they just want to do everything that others can. Is that asking too much???
Lesbian, gay or transgender are human like us, they feel the same emotions with the same intensity. They have friends, families, issues, joys and sad moments, victories and defeats like all of us. They are not, absolutely not monsters or strange creature, to be sincere they are more human than some straight that I know. They actually are good friends, they know who to talk to others, they respect others. I can´t understand how and why we treat them so badly, we didn’t try to know them, or understand them. Lesbian don t hate men; they just have no desire to be near of them. It’s understandable, if we think the way most of men treated lesbian or bisexual women, just because their sexual orientation is different. And??? Is the sexual orientation define our personality? Is that define if you are a good or bad person? Deep down we all know the answer. Of course, not. How will you feel if you (straight) were in a minor group and they (lesbian and gay) in a dominant one? Would you feel ok being discriminate like that?
Behind every person, every sexual life choice, every sexual orientation, there is a story, there are scars, fears, dreams and hope. Who are we to judge a person with severity, with hostility and disparagingly?
So be tolerant, open your eyes and your mind, just learn to know those persons before judging them, or if you don t want to know them at least stop being stupid and let them be. [if !supportLineBreakNewLine] [endif]